The term GDP is a term that most economists know
very well, the three letters GDP stand for Gross Domestic Product. The
whole calculation in and out of itself is one giant mess and can cause a
great controversy. Economist use GDP to determine how the economy is doing
as well as to determine how happy a person might be due to a high GDP.
The difficult part about using GDP is that its a national average and
does not speak for people individually because the equation becomes
skewed and makes it seem like the economy is doing a lot better then it
actually is.
GDP calculates the United States
total output and it breaks it down to sections, but one section that really
stands out is defense spending. The
United States spends about 711 billion dollars on the countries defense
department while China who is ranked number two is at 143 billion dollars in
spending on defense department. The
United States spends almost five times more then China does. And the United
States makes up forty percent of the worlds total spending on defense. It is just hard to imagine why we need so
much money to finance the defense of our country. To me it seems overdone but this is a huge
reason as to why our total GDP is so high.
If you lowered the spending on our countries defense we wouldn’t have
such a high GDP.
People argue that a high GDP will
create happiness for the people, but how could this be true if we are spending
7% more on health care then western European countries while their life
expectancies are all greater then the United States. We also value our money a lot more then
Europeans do as we work more hours then they do while they average 4-6 weeks of
vacation. Europeans buy homes the same size as someone making more money over
here in the United States because they don’t value their money as high as we do
in the US. So you cant say the GDP proves how happy someone is because
Europeans are just as happy with less money but equal assets. So ultimately they have less funds. To me Gross
Domestic Product can only be valued so much, but at a certain point, it becomes
simply opinionated and as the article stated, “GDP per capita can cause a bar